(No garnish for vegetables. All exhibits must be displayed on plates provided by the competitor)
1. Four onions, lightly trimmed 2. Four potatoes, any variety 3. Five runner beans 4. Longest runner bean 5. Five tomatoes with calyces attached 6. Five tomatoes, small fruited and cherry cultivars, with calyces attached 7. Three beetroots washed but not scrubbed, tops trimmed to approx. 3" 8. Three carrots washed but not scrubbed, tops trimmed to approx. 3" 9. Heaviest marrow 10. Three courgettes, 20cm/8" or less in length 11. A collection of five different vegetables displayed in a trug or basket 12. Three of the same vegetable not already listed in Section A 13. The most misshapen vegetable 14. Four apples, cooking 15. Four apples, dessert 16. Four pears 17. Four plums, one variety 18. A tea plate of six of the same soft fruits not already mentioned above SECTION B: FLOWERS
(A limited selection of containers 23cm/9” and 30cm/12” high will be provided for cut flowers on the day of the Show)
19. Pot-grown flowering begonia, maximum pot size 20cm/8" 20. Pot-grown cactus or succulent, maximum pot size 20cm/8" 21. Pot-grown pelargonium or geranium 22. Pot-grown fuchsia 23. Container of mixed hardy perennials, six stems 24. Container of mixed flowers, six stems 25. The most perfumed rose, one stem 26. One spray of roses 27. One specimen rose 28. Container of decorative dahlias, three stems 29. Container of cactus dahlias, three stems 30. Container of ball or pompon dahlias, three stems 31. One dahlia bloom, any variety 32. One clematis bloom in a saucer 33. Container of any variety of flower not already listed in Section B, three stems 34. Five sprays of flowering shrubs, one or more varieties except roses 35. Five sprays of foliage, one or more varieties 36. Bunch of mixed herbs displayed in a jam jar, maximum five varieties 37. A single flower buttonhole with or without foliage SECTION C: FLORAL ART
(Maximum space allowed: 60cm/2 ft wide, 60cm/2 ft deep, no height restriction)
38. 'Gone to Seed'. Arrangement of ornamental grasses & seed heads 39. 'Pots and Pans'. Arrangement in a kitchen utensil 40. 'Cream and Green'. A table centre arrangement 41. 'Autumn Glory'. A class for novice flower arrangers who have never won a first prize in Floral Art at Bretforton Show SECTION D: COOKERY
(All jars for Classes 42 to 46 to be sealed with wax discs and cellophane only, labelled with contents and date of cooking. Class 59 is open only to men.)
42. Jar of marmalade 43. Jar of strawberry jam 44. Jar of jam, any fruit 45. Jar of lemon curd 46. Jar of piccalilli 47. A celebration cake, any ingredients, any decoration 48. Five fruit scones 49. A round of shortbread 50. Five ginger biscuits 51. Five homemade flapjacks, any variety 52. Five chocolate brownies 53. A lemon drizzle cake 54. A Victoria sponge cake 55. A fruit cake 56. Savoury quiche, any flavour 57. Five sausage rolls 58. A loaf of homemade bread, not machine-made 59. A decorated chocolate cake (MEN ONLY) |
(All wine to be in clear bottles with flanged corks)
60. Bottle of wine made from fruit 61. Bottle of wine made from any ingredient other than the above 62. Bottle of cider 63. Bottle of sloe gin 64. Bottle of any homemade alcoholic beverage not mentioned above 65. Bottle of non-alcoholic cordial (undiluted) SECTION F: POULTRY
(All eggs must be displayed on plates provided by the competitor)
66. Three home-produced hen eggs 67. Three home-produced eggs, any other type (labelled) SECTION G: PHOTOGRAPHY
(All photographs must be unmounted and size not to exceed 13cm x 18cm/5" x 7")
68. Decay 69. Stone 70. Wild flora 71. Motion SECTION H: HANDICRAFTS
(Space allowed: 60cm/2 ft wide, 60cm/2 ft deep, no height restriction. Tip for Classes 72 – 76: make sure all loose threads and wool ends are sewn in neatly.)
72. A soft toy 73. A felted brooch 74. Item of hand knitting or crochet 75. Item of cross-stitch, needlepoint, embroidery or tapestry 76. Item of patchwork or quilting 77. Item of woodwork or metalwork, original construction SECTION I: ART
(Framed or unframed and not to exceed 60cm/2 ft wide or 60cm/2 ft high. Display stand to be provided by exhibitor. Any signature or other means of identification must be covered over. For 14-18-year-olds, see young people's classes. )
78. A picture in acrylics, oils or pastels 79. A picture in watercolours or gouache 80. A drawing in pencil, pen and ink or charcoal SECTION J: CHILDREN’S & YOUNG PEOPLE'S CLASSES
Five years and under
81. Three decorated biscuits (made or bought) 82. A paper plate animal mask (no bigger than A4) 83. A picture or collage of a butterfly (no bigger than A4) Six to nine years 84. Three decorated cupcakes 85. A wooden spoon scarecrow 86. A drawing, painting or model of a creature using any materials (no bigger than A4) Ten to thirteen years 87. Three decorated cupcakes 88. A wooden spoon scarecrow 89. A drawing, painting or model of a creature using any materials Fourteen to eighteen years 90. Five decorated cupcakes 91. A drawing in pencil, pen, ink or charcoal 92. A picture in acrylics, oils, watercolours, pastels or gouache |
thanks to our sponsors
We are immensely grateful to all our Show sponsors. Without their support, we wouldn't be able to put on a Show, entertain our visitors, and raise money for local organisations and charities. Thank you. Our sponsors from the last Show are listed below. If you are interested in being a sponsor of the Show this year, please get in touch.