Elizabeth Kyberd
I have always loved singing, indeed I cannot remember a time when I didn’t sing. I sang in church choirs and school choirs. When the school put on G & S operettas I participated in those. I also studied piano and violin. Although I chose to study History at Oxford University I spent a great part of my time participating in the lively music scene, both singing and playing violin. After University I moved to London and got a job in business, but continued my singing studies with leading professors and coaches from the London Music Colleges. After a couple of years working in business I quit because I decided I really wanted to work in music. I enjoyed a wide and varied singing career in London, taking many leading roles in semi-professional companies, singing with professional companies in chorus and as a soloist, both in London and abroad. |
From early in my career I started to teach singing (to add a more stable income to add to the fluctuating income a performing career provides) and I found teaching singing a very stimulating and rewarding professional activity. With a family starting it seemed a natural progression to make teaching the main core of my professional life as it fitted round the demands of a growing family with more ease. I continued with performing opportunities when they came along because I enjoy performing so much.
For over 20 years I taught singing at a highly regarded girls state school, that specialised in music. I also had a thriving private practice, teaching both singing and piano. I find teaching so rewarding because the process of enabling each student to unlock their own individual voice, and express themselves with more confidence and ease, is so varied and challenging. Each student provides a unique challenge. Through many years of teaching I have found that anybody who wants to learn to sing will be able to develop their own voice, often to standards way beyond their own imagining.
I moved to Evesham a couple of years ago. I was delighted to be approached and asked to take on the role of leading Bretforton Choir. I have certainly not regretted taking on the job as we have had so much fun together. They are a lovely group of people and have been so welcoming. We have tackled a wide range of music; numbers from musicals and films,folk songs, spirituals, carols, jazz numbers, Beatles songs.
The choir is always looking for new members. No experience is necessary, there are no entry requirements, just come along and try us out. So anyone in the village who secretly wants to get out there and sing, however diffident they feel about their voice, you will be very welcome.
For over 20 years I taught singing at a highly regarded girls state school, that specialised in music. I also had a thriving private practice, teaching both singing and piano. I find teaching so rewarding because the process of enabling each student to unlock their own individual voice, and express themselves with more confidence and ease, is so varied and challenging. Each student provides a unique challenge. Through many years of teaching I have found that anybody who wants to learn to sing will be able to develop their own voice, often to standards way beyond their own imagining.
I moved to Evesham a couple of years ago. I was delighted to be approached and asked to take on the role of leading Bretforton Choir. I have certainly not regretted taking on the job as we have had so much fun together. They are a lovely group of people and have been so welcoming. We have tackled a wide range of music; numbers from musicals and films,folk songs, spirituals, carols, jazz numbers, Beatles songs.
The choir is always looking for new members. No experience is necessary, there are no entry requirements, just come along and try us out. So anyone in the village who secretly wants to get out there and sing, however diffident they feel about their voice, you will be very welcome.